Today was a day that I wish I could have handled differently. I went to the Determatologist, Dr. Gilboa, and she confirmed I have Telogen Effluvium. Because of the light in the bathroom and the flash from my cell phone, the photos show a much exaggerated look (more scalp) but it really is this bad. Along with Dr. Galboa confirming my condition (of which she has seen in her 22 years of practice, only one case of hair not growing back at all),she suggested we start a regiment of steroid head injections and Men's Rogaine twice a day for an indefinite time. After barely touching my hair and taking a look at my scalp, she was able to tell me that I am still in the hair loss phase but what she couldn't tell me is how long this would last. She did answer me when I asked if there was a possibility of losing all my hair and her answer was, "maybe." Dr. Gilboa told me that I couldn't dye my hair and that the best thing to do was touch it as little as possible.
I was then escorted to another room and prepped by laying on a table as a syringe was filled and she stuck me about 30 times all over my tender head and tried to make small talk. I answered back politely and after the painful ordeal, I made my next appointment for another round of steroid head shots for next month. I then walked outside and started to cry.
After reaching my car, I started to sob. A little of the tears spilled was because I was mad for feeling sorry for myself. It's just hair. I start my bi-daily Rogaine regiment tomorrow, I've had my steroid shots to stimulate my scalp and I'm going for acupuncture to help with my body's stress level - I'm doing all I can possibly do on my end to help.
I did go back to work and all was fine as I went through the day. The day ended with my "Weigh 2 Eat" Group Therapy session for Emotional Eating. Today's topic was lead by a Nutritionist talking about a balanced, mindful eating, way of approaching food and how malnutrition could contribute to factors that cause the body stress.
I had Stefan look at my head and he could see a bunch of holes (some a little bloody). My head does still hurt and is very, very tender. Alot like my esteem and feelings right now. I'm also irritated because people are feeling sorry for me. I can do that myself.
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